Latest News, Articles & Media

Adam Bandt
Greens Leader & MP for Melbourne

Colbeck must go, for-profit aged care ended

3 February, 2022 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, has backed Labor’s call for Aged Care Minister, Richard Colbeck, to resign, and called for an end to the dismal fa...

Greens in Macnamara balance of power Childcare push

3 February, 2022 - Media Release Greens candidate for MacNamara, Steph Hodgins-May, today announced that if she is elected, she will push in balance of power...

Labor backing Morrison’s Trojan Horse for gas

1 February, 2022 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt has expressed disappointment at Labor’s capitulation to Scott Morrison’s plan to give $600 million in public money t...

Greens launch policy platform for 2022 Federal Election

30 January, 2022 - The Australian Greens have today launched the first part of their policy platform for the 2022 election, showcasing a broad policy agenda tha...

Billionaires doubling fortunes shows need for Greens’ billionaires tax

18 January, 2022 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, says revelations in the Oxfam report that Australian billionaires have doubled their already obscene fortunes give...

Safety at work critical for living with Omicron

18 January, 2022 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, says workers deserve to be safe at work, backing ACTU calls to ensure worker safety. Bandt, a former industrial re...

Energy operator maps path to renewable superpower future: Greens

10 December, 2021 - Liberal and Labor need to join with the Greens in making the energy operator's plan for a renewable superpower a reality, Greens Leader Adam...

Greens reject macho ‘my way or the highway’ politics on climate

7 December, 2021 - The Greens today rejected Labor’s ‘take it or leave it’ approach to climate, saying people wanted parties to work together on something as im...

Bowen reveals Labor's plan won't touch coal or gas

6 December, 2021 - The Greens today repeated their call to kick out the Liberals, but slammed Labor’s weak climate targets and promise that “not one coal fired ...

Labor given up on climate: Greens

3 December, 2021 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt MP has criticised today’s climate announcement, saying Labor has given up on climate.   Labor’s target is not consis...

Dodgy deal done on the last day in Parliament - Political Campaigners Bill 2021

2 December, 2021 - The House absolutely should not consider this dodgy deal immediately. This is a dirty deal that's bad for democracy, done on the last day of ...

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

30 November, 2021 - I rise to mark the UN International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The Greens recognise the inalienable rights of the Palest...