Latest News, Articles & Media

Adam Bandt
Greens Leader & MP for Melbourne

Reintroduce carbon price, lift 2030 targets to protect exporters from EU tariffs

15 July, 2021 - With the European Union finally laying out their timetable for implementing carbon tariffs, the Greens have said that the Liberals’ repeal of th...

Beetaloo: a climate crime

22 June, 2021 - It's astounding that the government and Labor aren't even prepared to get up and speak to defend this outrage. This is a climate crime. This vot...

Greens to focus on coal in inner-city Liberal seats

21 June, 2021 - With the elevation of coal-hugging Barnaby Joyce to the Deputy Prime Ministership, the Greens will renew focus on coal and 2030 climate targets ...

Bring them home, Home to Bilo

15 June, 2021 - Late this afternoon, a flight left Christmas Island to take Tharnicaa's father and sister, Nades and Kopika, to Perth. After nine long days of w...

Morrison's China sabre rattling an attempt to hide from G7 climate embarassment

9 June, 2021 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt has described Morrison’s calls for a new cold war as a craven attempt to distract from Australia’s rogue climate stance...

Israel & Palestine - Towards Peace

27 May, 2021 - All people have the right to peace and security, and our job is to make sure those rights are valued equally for all. This month Benjamin Netanya...

Taylor AWOL while coal clunkers fail again

26 May, 2021 - The Greens have today warned that the ongoing crisis in the Queensland energy market is a sign of things to come if we continue to rely on an agi...

Gas and coal are dead says IEA, Long live coal says the Morrison government

24 May, 2021 - The Greens have rebuked the Morrison government’s plan to spend hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on a gas plant announced the very same d...

Make Polluters Pay

24 May, 2021 - They knew. They knew. The big coal, oil and gas corporations knew, in some cases as far back as the 1970s, that their product was causing damage ...

Morrison and Hunt undermining their own vaccine rollout

24 May, 2021 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt says the Prime Minister must instruct his Health Minister to stop giving mixed messages on vaccines that could delay the...

Greens to amend fuel security bill to include transport electrification

17 May, 2021 - As the US government prepares to wind back fossil fuel subsidies in advance of the upcoming G7 meeting, the Morrison Government has today committ...