Latest News, Articles & Media

Larissa Waters
Senator for Qld & Greens Leader in the Senate

1000 days waiting for a Federal ICAC: Time's up

8 September, 2021 - If we had a strong corruption watchdog, Morrison and half his Cabinet might find themselves looking for new jobs. By Larissa Waters ...

PM’s Women’s Safety Summit just more political theatre

6 September, 2021 - The Greens say day one of the Women’s Safety Summit was yet another exercise in political theatre for a government that remains completely o...

PM dodging accountability with new national cabinet secrecy laws

2 September, 2021 - The PM continues to do all he can to duck transparency and accountability with new laws that would overturn a recent court decision by shiel...

Government and One Nation leave women unsafe by blocking amendments

1 September, 2021 - The government and One Nation have blocked crucial amendments from the Greens and Labor that would have implemented the centrepiece of the R...

Nothing but the sound of silence on Equal Pay Day

31 August, 2021 - On Equal Pay Day the Greens have called on the PM to act immediately to close the gender pay gap, with the gulf between men’s and women’s earn...

Labor joins the Liberals to lock in climate bomb fracking rort

25 August, 2021 - The Australian Greens have savaged Labor’s decision to vote with the Liberals today in the Senate to spend public money opening up massive gas...

Labor joins government in undemocratic attack on minor parties

24 August, 2021 - The Greens say Labor’s decision today to wave through changes to the Electoral Act that will increase membership minimums and give existing pa...

Labor to allow Government's gas-fired rorts scheme

24 August, 2021 - The Australian Greens have slammed Labor for joining the Liberals in allowing $21 million of public money to be handed to a company deeply con...

Government must provide immediate aid to support women and girls in Afghanistan

19 August, 2021 - Greens senators Larissa Waters, Mehreen Faruqi and Janet Rice have written to the Minister for Women and Foreign Affairs Marise Payne to urge ...

Women falling behind as gender pay gap widens

19 August, 2021 - The Greens have renewed their calls for action on closing the gender pay gap after the Workplace Gender Equality Agency today revealed that th...

Electoral Act amendments would undermine democracy and stifle dissent

16 August, 2021 - The Greens are calling on Labor and the crossbench to oppose government amendments to the Commonwealth Electoral Act that would limit democrat...

No whale should suffer for false sense of security

11 August, 2021 - Another whale is separated from its pod and suffering after being entangled in a deadly shark net which it was forced to drag for kilometres b...