Latest News, Articles & Media

Larissa Waters
Senator for Qld & Greens Leader in the Senate

Prime Minister’s sincerity will be judged on actions

23 March, 2021 - Responding to today’s press conference by the Prime Minister on women’s safety and the culture of parliament house, Greens leader in the Senate...

Government’s consent education plan an insult to women and sexual violence survivors

11 March, 2021 - The Greens have again called for a comprehensive national approach to consent training after Education Minister Alan Tudge today revealed the g...

Parliamentary culture review welcome but not the panacea

5 March, 2021 - The Greens have cautiously welcomed today’s announcement into a review of workplace culture in Federal Parliament but say a culture review alone...

Inquiry only way to clear cloud over A-G: Greens

4 March, 2021 - Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP has strengthened calls for an independent inquiry into allegations against Christian Porter, sayin...

Christian Porter must stand down pending an independent inquiry

3 March, 2021 - The Attorney General must stand down and there must be an independent inquiry into the rape allegations, otherwise there will be a chilling effe...

More Ministers protecting the boys club

24 February, 2021 - “The men of this government are still following the rules of the ‘boys club’, covering for each other instead of speaking out about what the...

Another internal review just continues the cover-up

19 February, 2021 - The Prime Minister has asked his former chief of staff, now head of his own department, to investigate what Prime Minister’s office knew abo...

All sides of politics, both houses of parliament call for national discussion to criminalise coercive control

18 February, 2021 - Today the House echoed the Senate to call on the government to take action on coercive control, supporting a cross-party motion coordinated ...

Independent investigation and review critical to protect staff in political offices

17 February, 2021 - Response to PM’s letter  "The Greens welcome the apparent acknowledgement by the PM that the review of the complaints and support process sh...

Parliament culture won't change without independent inquiry

16 February, 2021 - The Australian Greens have slammed the Prime Minister’s continued failures to address a toxic parliamentary culture today, calling for an in...

Dutton Grants Rort Renews ICAC Calls

14 February, 2021 - The Greens condemn Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton for using his ministerial powers to slash millions in grant funding for community proj...

Donations Data Shows Major Parties Working for the Highest Bidder

2 February, 2021 - The political donations data released today once again shows how corporations are buying influence in the major parties, said Greens Leader i...