Latest News, Articles & Media

Larissa Waters
Senator for Qld & Greens Leader in the Senate

Government's Sham ICAC Has No Friends

12 November, 2020 - The Greens echo the Australian Federal Police Association’s description of the Morrison Government’s sham integrity commission as nothing mo...

Greens Call for Parliamentary Standards

12 November, 2020 - Greens Senator Larissa Waters moved to bring on her Parliamentary Standards Bill this morning to address Parliament's appalling ineffectual ...

Queensland Election sees the 'Green Wave' continue

1 November, 2020 - Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt MP, and Greens Senate Leader and Queensland Senator, Larissa Waters, have said the success of the...

Mates investigating mates shows ICAC needed

21 October, 2020 - Revelations that the Finance Department inquiry into Assistant Minister Michael Sukkar was outsourced to the law firm he used to work for is ...

Climate revelations at estimates reveal Australia will blow carbon budget

20 October, 2020 - Under questioning from Greens Senate Leader, Larissa Waters, at Senate Estimates, the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources h...

Gender lens on Budget shows up government

19 October, 2020 - The Greens condemn the Morrison Government for failing to include a gender lens in the Budget, instead leaving it to a non-profit women's org...

Liberals 'too busy' for ICAC - doing what?

15 October, 2020 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, says the Liberal Party's continued excuses for not having a National anti-corruption body have become utterly farc...

Morrison uses Budget to silence Government accountability bodies

8 October, 2020 - The Coalition is using the Federal Budget to silence public accountability and transparency bodies that have called out this Government’s corr...

Women stuck in the 1950s with this Government’s Budget

7 October, 2020 - This year’s Budget has failed women by failing to address the key drivers of women’s economic insecurity, tackle the domestic violence crisis,...

DV Funding Leaves a Third of Women at Risk

29 September, 2020 - The long overdue announcement of the Safe Places Emergency Accommodation grants is welcome, but falls critically short of national demand a...

Greens condemn Adani for silencing climate activist

11 September, 2020 - Responding to the Supreme Court’s decision to grant Adani a temporary injunction to silence anti-Adani activist Ben Pennings, Senator for Q...

Time for vote on ICAC bill one year on

9 September, 2020 - The Morrison government still refuses to call the Greens bill to establish a federal corruption watchdog on for a vote, one year after it pa...