Latest News, Articles & Media

Larissa Waters
Senator for Qld & Greens Leader in the Senate

Media Release: Greens Bill bans all coal mines in Galilee Basin

24 February, 2020 - Greens Senate Leader Senator Larissa Waters has today introduced a bill in the Senate to ban thermal coal mines in the Galilee Basin, effect...

Government funding for domestic violence response and prevention should top $5 billion

21 February, 2020 - The Federal Government’s announcement today of a pitiful $2.4 million funding for men's behaviour change programs to address domestic violen...

Government risks Reef 'in danger listing with new coral bleaching

20 February, 2020 - Coral bleaching in the far north of the Great Barrier Reef shows the Federal and Qld Governments are failing to deal with the impact of clim...

Women killed by violence needs accurate reporting and national toll

20 February, 2020 - The Greens are calling for an urgent crisis response to the number of women killed by violence and greater accuracy in media reporting follo...

Adani toast as India reportedly pledges to stop coal imports: Greens

19 February, 2020 - The Australian Greens have responded to reports that India will stop importing thermal coal within 4 years, saying that it is the death knel...

Government avoids vote on Greens ICAC bill

11 February, 2020 - The Government has today used its numbers in the lower house to narrowly avoid voting on a motion to pass the Greens’ bill for a national co...

Senate pressures Govt to bring on vote for Greens Federal ICAC

10 February, 2020 - The Australian Senate has sent a message to the Morrison Government that it wants a federal corruption watchdog with teeth, voting for the G...

Greens ask Auditor General to investigate new sports rorts

7 February, 2020 - The Greens have today written to the Auditor General asking for a full investigation of $150 million in sports funding channelled to Liberal-...

Cancel Adani's approval after criminal conviction: Greens

6 February, 2020 - The Federal Government must revoke Adani’s coal mine approval after the company was today expected to be criminally convicted of false and mi...

Greens compel Prime Minister to release Gaetjens Report into sports rorts scandal and emails to Mackenzie

5 February, 2020 - The Senate today passed the Greens’ Order for the Production of Documents compelling the Prime Minister to release the Gaetjens Report and th...

ATO tax report proof of broken system

12 December, 2019 - Data released in the ATO's Tax Transparency Report today showing that a third of our largest companies paid no corporate tax last year are p...

Adani gets 12.5 billion litres of water while 67% of Queensland in drought

10 December, 2019 - The Morrison Government’s decision not to consider the impacts of Adani sucking up 12.5 billion litres of water from a region in deep drough...