Latest News, Articles & Media

Larissa Waters
Senator for Qld & Greens Leader in the Senate

Privatised reef protection plan still ignores climate crisis

14 July, 2020 - The release of the 2020-2021 workplan for the Reef Trust Partnership once again shows the Reef requires comprehensive, science-based protection ...

Backroom Labor boys doing their coal donors’ bidding

13 July, 2020 - The Labor party backroom boys are pressuring Queensland’s Labor Premier to approve stage 3 of the New Acland coal mine, showing fossil fuel dono...

Crown of Thorns funding is bandaid solution while climate crisis is ignored

13 July, 2020 - The Greens welcome any improvements to deal with Crown of Thorns starfish, but it is a bandaid solution while the big threats to the Reef - clim...

Greens slam lobbying revolving door revealed in ANAO report

26 June, 2020 - In another damning report, the Australian National Audit Office has found that the government does not adequately assess conflict of interests r...

Greens push to ban dirty political donations and restore democracy

17 June, 2020 - The Greens will today introduce a bill in the Senate that will prohibit political donations from certain industries, and impose a cap on all oth...

Greens call on Parliament to unite and tackle corruption

16 June, 2020 - The House of Representatives will today be forced to debate the implementation of a national integrity commission, after the Senate expressed fr...

Govt-stacked inquiry set for self-congratulations not action on Domestic Violence

1 June, 2020 - The Greens have criticised the Morrison Government's plans for a stacked inquiry into domestic and family violence, saying more funding is needed...

ABS data demands more for women from Government

29 May, 2020 - Today's ABS Household data survey provides further confirmation that the impacts of COVID crisis are falling disproportionately to women. The Gre...

Greens to push for ICAC debate and vote when Parliament resumes

22 May, 2020 - Responding to today's reported deferral of legislation to enable a federal integrity commission, the Greens will push to bring on for debate and ...

Greens will fight government gas pipe dream in Tech Roadmap

21 May, 2020 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt has pledged to fight the government’s gas push laid out in the Technology Road Map Discussion Paper released by the gove...

Greens call for Federal Parliament to sit in June

13 May, 2020 - The Greens will introduce a motion in the Senate calling for Federal Parliament to sit in June to strengthen democracy and address ongoing issues...

Government action needed to prevent more women being killed by violence

1 May, 2020 - The Greens are calling for an urgent crisis response to the number of women killed by violence  
following the murder of Brisbane-based mother Jac...