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Mehreen Faruqi
Deputy Leader & Senator for NSW

Speech: TAFE

1 September, 2020 - For decades we've seen our TAFE system ripped apart by successive federal governments and state governments through neglect, through lack of...

Speech: The Christchurch Attacks

1 September, 2020 - On 15 March last year the lives of Muslims across the world changed forever. Our worst fears were realised as an Australian man walked into ...

Amendments: Coronavirus Economic Response Package (Jobkeeper Payments) Amendment Bill 2020

31 August, 2020 - (21:18): I rise on behalf of the Greens to support the Labor amendment. This amendment removes the new category of legacy employers. These are...

New Report Highlights Gov Failures On PFAS

31 August, 2020 - Australian Greens Senator for NSW, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has said that the latest progress report of the parliamentary PFAS Sub-committee, t...

Speech: Primary Industries (Customs) Charges Amendment (Dairy Cattle Export Charge) Bill 2020

27 August, 2020 - I rise to speak on the Primary Industries (Customs) Charges Amendment (Dairy Cattle Export Chart) Bill 2020 as the Greens senator responsible ...

Speech: The Ecocidal Liberals

27 August, 2020 - I rise to make some short comments on the amendment from my colleague Senator Sarah Hanson-Young. I associate myself with the comments made by...

Motion: Paid Pandemic Leave

26 August, 2020 - The Greens support the motion. Paid pandemic leave should be for all workers. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the profound precariousnes...

Speech: Climate Crisis & Coal

26 August, 2020 - I rise to support the disallowance motion and associate myself with the comments made by my Greens colleague Senator Waters from Queensland. I...

Speech: International Students

26 August, 2020 - I have spoken numerous times in this chamber about the government's failure to support international students during COVID-19. Sadly, since I ...

Speech: Farewell to Richard di Natale

25 August, 2020 - Richard, over the last few weeks I've seen you on Zoom and I've seen a few videos of yours on Facebook. I must say that you look happier, more...

Speech: Live exports on the MV Al Kuwait

25 August, 2020 - The MV Al Kuwait that departed Fremantle in June was a horrific journey. According to the Independent Observersummary report, up to 5,000 of t...