Latest News, Articles & Media

Mehreen Faruqi
Deputy Leader & Senator for NSW

Racing Cruelty Continues In Lockdown

3 August, 2020 - Australian Greens Animal Welfare spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has responded to the announcement that greyhound and horse racing will con...

No Modelling, No Worries: Liberals

29 July, 2020 - Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that the government’s plan to hike up university fees should be scrappe...

Skills Spend Heavy On Spin And Hypocrisy

16 July, 2020 - Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that the government’s ‘JobTrainer’ scheme is heavy on spin and hugely h...

Mass UNSW Job Cuts Devastating and Infuriating

15 July, 2020 - Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has labelled today’s news of cuts to approximately 500 full-time equivalent jobs...

Extend Free Childcare And Provide JobKeeper For ECEC Workers: Greens

13 July, 2020 - The Greens have said that returning to expensive fee-paying childcare today will harm families, disproportionately impact women and threaten the...

Governments Continue To Fail Public Schools

30 June, 2020 - Australian Greens spokesperson for Education, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has said analysis released today shows once again that federal and state g...

Free Uni Not Malicious Fee Hikes Says Faruqi As Humanities Graduate Tehan Attacks Humanities Students

19 June, 2020 - "Degrees should cost students zero dollars," Greens spokesperson for Education, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, said this morning in response to the "go...

Gov Must Act As Eviction Cliff Approaches

18 June, 2020 - Australian Greens Housing spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that the federal government and National Cabinet must act urgently to ens...

Speech: Live Exports cruelty

17 June, 2020 - I move: That the Senate take note of the answer given by Senator Ruston to a question without notice asked by Senator Faruqi today relating to a...

Live Export: Minister Must Intervene To Prevent Departure

16 June, 2020 - Following an unsuccessful last-minute court challenge by Animals Australia, Australian Greens Animal Welfare spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi...

Motion: Live Exports

16 June, 2020 - Let's be clear. The live export industry is based on animal cruelty, on animal misery, on blood soaked supply chains, but this government do not...

Speech: Fair Work Amendment (One in, All in) Bill 2020

16 June, 2020 - Senator FARUQI (New South Wales) (17:10): I move: That the following bill be introduced: a Bill for an Act to amend the Fair Work Act 2009, and ...