Latest News, Articles & Media

Nick McKim
Senator for lutruwita/Tasmania

Greens welcome united push against offshore detention

3 February, 2017 - The Greens welcome the united front from the long list of community groups and organisations calling for immediate action on offshore detenti...

Ditch the dud deal and bring the refugees to Australia

2 February, 2017 - Malcolm Turnbull should scrap his refugee "deal" with the US and bring people detained on Manus Island and Nauru to Australia , Greens Immigr...

Ditch the dud deal and bring the refugees to Australia

2 February, 2017 - Malcolm Turnbull should scrap his refugee "deal" with the US and bring people detained on Manus Island and Nauru to Australia , Greens Immigr...

End the US impasse, bring refugees to Australia

1 February, 2017 - Malcolm Turnbull should end the uncertainty and confusion over the US refugee "deal" and bring the people to Australia, Greens Immigration sp...

End the US impasse, bring refugees to Australia

1 February, 2017 - Malcolm Turnbull should end the uncertainty and confusion over the US refugee "deal" and bring the people to Australia, Greens Immigration sp...

Dutton must intervene to help pregnant woman on Nauru

31 January, 2017 - Immigration Minister Peter Dutton must immediately intervene so a pregnant woman on Nauru suffering serious health problems can receive medic...

Dutton must intervene to help pregnant woman on Nauru

31 January, 2017 - Immigration Minister Peter Dutton must immediately intervene so a pregnant woman on Nauru suffering serious health problems can receive medic...

Dutton must be sacked over DIBP maladministration

18 January, 2017 - Peter Dutton must be sacked and his department cleaned out because of ongoing and serious human rights abuses and financial maladministration...

Eric Abetz costs Tasmania a seat in Cabinet

18 January, 2017 - The blame for Tasmania missing out on a seat in the federal Cabinet lies squarely on the shoulders of Senator Eric Abetz, Greens Senator for ...

Audit Office confirms Dutton's department has gone rogue

17 January, 2017 - The release of another scathing audit of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection confirms Peter Dutton has lost control of his po...

Greens call for Border Force to investigate Japanese Whaling

17 January, 2017 - The Greens have written to the Australian Border Force and asked them to immediately send a vessel to the Australian Whale Sanctuary to inves...

Greens call for Border Force to investigate Japanese Whaling

17 January, 2017 - The Greens have written to the Australian Border Force and asked them to immediately send a vessel to the Australian Whale Sanctuary to inves...