Latest News, Articles & Media

Nick McKim
Senator for lutruwita/Tasmania

Australia must protect territorial waters from illegal whaling

16 January, 2017 - Prime Minister Turnbull needs to take far stronger action to protect Australia’s territorial waters from illegal whaling, Greens Senator for ...

Australia must protect territorial waters from illegal whaling

16 January, 2017 - Prime Minister Turnbull needs to take far stronger action to protect Australia’s territorial waters from illegal whaling, Greens Senator for ...

Pauline Hanson should apologise to Tasmanians

16 January, 2017 - Pauline Hanson must personally apologise to Tasmanians for endorsing a candidate who believes the Port Arthur massacre was a fabrication, Aus...

Turnbull bottles it over illegal whaling

16 January, 2017 - Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has bottled it once again by refusing to confront Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe over illegal whaling, Gr...

Turnbull needs to confront Abe over illegal whaling

16 January, 2017 - Malcolm Turnbull must confront Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe about illegal whaling when the two leaders meet tomorrow, Greens Senator fo...

Companies risk reputational damage with offshore contracts

9 December, 2016 - The four companies that have expressed an interest in multibillion-dollar government contracts for detention centres on Manus Island and Naur...

Greens welcome recommendations on Tasmanian bushfires

8 December, 2016 - The Australian Greens welcome a Senate committee report calling for better preparedness for bushfires in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Herit...

Dutton's push for White Australia Policy Mark II

30 November, 2016 - Immigration Minister Peter Dutton's proposed visa changes are deeply xenophobic and a continuation of his attack on multiculturalism in Aust...

Brandis to face Senate inquiry over WA deal

29 November, 2016 - The Senate has voted to establish an inquiry that will investigate the deal between the Western Australian government and the Commonwealth r...

George Brandis fails to address allegations against him

28 November, 2016 - Attorney-General George Brandis has repeatedly failed to answer the central allegation against him in the Bell Act affair, and should resign...

Greens to push for Senate inquiry into Brandis' deal

28 November, 2016 - The Greens will tomorrow move to refer matters associated with the Bell Group Companies Act (WA) to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affa...

George Brandis must resign or be sacked

25 November, 2016 - If reports of George Brandis instructing the former Solicitor-General to act in a political way and ignore the rule of law are true, he shou...