Latest News, Articles & Media

Sarah Hanson-Young
Senator for South Australia

Save the Koala laws debated in Senate

22 February, 2021 - The Senate has today debated new laws introduced by the Australian Greens to save our koalas. Greens Environment Spokesperson Senator Sarah ...

Greens introduce new laws to save our koalas

11 February, 2021 - The Greens have today introduced new laws to stop land clearing of critical habitat and save our koalas. The legislative move would prevent ...

Morrison Govt’s leaked standards condemn environment to more destruction

11 February, 2021 - The Morrison Government’s leaked environmental standards make a mockery of the yearlong review into environment laws by Professor Graeme Sam...

PM must boot Nats from water portfolio

11 February, 2021 - The Prime Minister must take the water portfolio out of the hands of the climate-denying National Party, the Greens say, after a Productivit...

Greens call for Government to investigate establishing publicly owned search engine

3 February, 2021 - Following threats from Google to withdraw services from Australia, the Greens have called on the Morrison Government to investigate the estab...

Greens call for amendments to News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code

1 February, 2021 - Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Greens spokesperson for Media and Communications has announced today the Greens will be seeking amendments to the...

Greens urge Morrison to introduce stronger environment laws after scathing review

28 January, 2021 - The Greens are calling on the Morrison Government to implement stronger environment laws before we lose our precious nature and wildlife for ...

Auditor-General asked to investigate dodgy Yeelirrie uranium mine approval

15 January, 2021 - The Greens have asked the Auditor-General to investigate the approval of the Yeelirrie uranium mine in Western Australia by former federal en...

Public Interest Advocate not enough to protect journalists from raids

16 December, 2020 - Reforms to journalist and whistle-blower protections announced by the Federal Government today do not go far enough to protect journalists f...

Climate and corporate greed biggest threats to Murray-Darling

15 December, 2020 - Greens Spokesperson for Water and the Environment Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said today’s evaluation report by the Murray-Daring Basin Autho...

Greens welcome introduction of News Media Bargaining Code

8 December, 2020 - Greens Spokesperson for Media and Communications Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has welcomed the Government’s indication that they will introduce...

Senate backs call for local content rules for online streaming services

8 December, 2020 - The Senate has today backed a Greens motion calling on the Government to implement Australian content quotas for online video streaming subsc...