Latest News, Articles & Media

Sarah Hanson-Young
Senator for South Australia

SA on a road to nowhere under Liberals

3 April, 2019 - South Australians have been left high and dry under Scott Morrison’s pre-election budget.   “With no marginal seats to throw cash at, South Aust...

Back off Barnaby

26 March, 2019 - Barnaby Joyce should be blaming his party’s consistent backing of corporate cotton for his electoral woes, not water flowing into South Austral...

Greens media reform package puts public interest journalism front and centre

26 March, 2019 - The Australian Greens media reform package turns the blow torch on the big corporate media giants and places quality, public interest journalis...

Consequences for cotton farmer who ripped off the river

22 March, 2019 - The Australian Greens are renewing calls for a federal Royal Commission into the Murray Darling Basin following the conviction of a NSW cotton ...

Greens Environment Commission would fund and track threatened species recovery

21 March, 2019 - Reports that the Federal Government has not kept track of threatened species recovery shows the need for the Greens’ proposal to strengthen env...

​​​​​​​Greens push environmental protection as top priority for next Government

17 March, 2019 - The Australian Greens are committed to real protection and restoration of our environment, backed up by solid investment and a plan to make Aus...

Taxpayer money wasted on failed water efficiency projects

6 March, 2019 - The ANU scientific report into water efficiency infrastructure is another piece of scathing evidence showing the Murray Darling Basin Plan is fa...

Government’s ‘environment fund’ a drop in the ocean

4 March, 2019 - The Liberal Government has a long way to go, with much stronger action and more funds required, if it stands a chance of convincing voters it ha...

Independent process must be followed in ABC appointments

25 February, 2019 - Ita Buttrose must be considered by the independent nomination panel before cabinet names the next ABC chair, the Greens say.   “If the Morr...

Canavan lies on Bight oil exposed

20 February, 2019 - The Minister for Mining and Resources Matt Canavan has been exposed for lying about any oil from the Great Australian Bight staying in Austr...

Greens will fight Bight plans

19 February, 2019 - Equinor is moving full steam ahead to drill in the Bight and The Greens are fighting to stop them.   “We cannot let this project go ahead. E...

Greens’ Murray Darling Basin Royal Commission Bill before Senate

13 February, 2019 - Australian Greens environment and water spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has this afternoon introduced a Bill to establish a Royal Co...