Latest News, Articles & Media

Sarah Hanson-Young
Senator for South Australia

Equinor crash shows we can’t risk the Bight

7 June, 2019 - Equinor’s claims they can drill safely in the Great Australian Bight have gone to water after their ship crashed into their oil rig in Norwegian ...

Greens call on new Environment Minister to invest in threatened species recovery for World Environment Day

7 June, 2019 - The Greens are calling on new Environment Minister Sussan Ley to formally respond to the UN’s report on the global extinction crisis by using Wor...

Liberals cannot be trusted with our future

9 May, 2019 - Scott Morrison has been caught out spruiking his party’s non-existent legislation on solving the extinction crisis. He does not deserve another te...

Fight for the Bight is biting

8 May, 2019 - Bill Shorten’s review of oil spill risk in the Great Australian Bight must result in a commitment to banning drilling in the Bight, The Greens say...

Hanson-Young challenges Minister to debate on the state of nation's Environment

8 May, 2019 - Greens environment and water spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has today challenged Environment Minister Melissa Price to a debate, followin...

Liberals’ empty environment promises

3 May, 2019 - The Liberal Party’s piecemeal promises on the environment will not undo the damage their billions of dollars in fossil fuel subsidies have done to...

Greens condemn violent racist vandalism

1 May, 2019 - The Australian Greens condemn the vile racism behind vandalism of Greens SA Senate candidate Major Moogy Sumner’s election poster.   “This racism...

Libs fail the environment again on secretive uranium decision

26 April, 2019 - The Liberals have shown we can’t risk another term of them in Government, by approving a destructive uranium mine on the eve of an election bei...

Environmental protection key Greens focus this election

17 April, 2019 - The Greens’ are putting protecting and restoring our environment front and centre for the 2019 election campaign. “The Government would have yo...

Government’s own report shows environment must be prioritised over greedy irrigators

10 April, 2019 - The fish kill report underlines that the environment must be put first and we need a royal commission to fix the management of the Murray Darli...

Solar thermal plant should be publicly-owned: Greens

5 April, 2019 - State and Federal Governments must intervene to save Australia’s first baseload solar thermal power plant, following the collapse of Solar Reser...

ABC will continue to lose out under Liberals

3 April, 2019 - Scott Morrison’s pre-election budget has confirmed cuts to the ABC will continue under the Liberals, the Greens say.   “This is a government tha...