Latest News, Articles & Media

Sarah Hanson-Young
Senator for South Australia

LNP fails Murray Darling Basin

12 February, 2019 - The Liberal National Government has shamefully stopped the Senate from delivering vital water back to the Murray Darling Basin today. “The L...

We must do more to save the natural world: Greens

11 February, 2019 - Australia needs to step up its efforts to protect vulnerable and endangered species, including insects, to combat mass extinction and set an...

Greens’ Murray Darling Basin Royal Commission terms released

7 February, 2019 - The Australian Greens have today released draft terms of reference for a federal Royal Commission into the Murray Darling Basin.   “We know ...

Bird exports must be stopped and investigated

6 February, 2019 - Reports of more rare and endangered birds being exported to Germany and into the hands of a convicted criminal must be investigated urgently,...

Speirs aimed at wrong target

5 February, 2019 - The South Australian Liberal Government needs to stop fighting the SA Royal Commissioner and start fighting for our water if they are serious...

Murray Darling Basin management is sacrificing the environment

29 January, 2019 - The Murray Darling Basin Plan’s compromised legal status must be taken seriously by the SA and Federal governments following the delivery of ...

More fish deaths, still no action

28 January, 2019 - The Australian Greens have called on the Prime Minister Scott Morrison to visit the Lower Darling and see the environmental disaster for hims...

Murray Darling Basin Plan managers get an F

25 January, 2019 - The Productivity Commission’s scathing report into the Murray Darling Basin Plan shows it is failing and needs serious reform and transparenc...

David Littleproud has missed the boat on the MDB crisis

22 January, 2019 - The Liberal National Government must stand up to greedy corporate irrigators and the cotton industry by stopping them from taking more than t...

Hands off our environmental laws, Greens tell Mining lobby

22 January, 2019 - The Liberal National Government must reject the advice of the self-serving Mining Lobby pushing for changes to the Environmental Protection a...

Govt under pressure to release secret documents over Menindee Lakes

15 January, 2019 - The Liberal National Government are hiding critical information about draining the Menindee Lakes twice in three years, the Greens say.   “T...

Seismic testing go-ahead bad for SA

15 January, 2019 - Seismic testing is the first step to drilling in the Great Australian Bight and will have devastating outcomes for SA, the Greens say.   “Thi...