Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Angus Taylor failing to meet his job title yet again: Bandt

28 February, 2020 - Australian Greens Leader Adam Bandt MP has slammed Angus Taylor’s dim-witted plan to ditch support for solar and wind in favour of unproven ...

Bandt announces new portfolios, elevates dental health

27 February, 2020 - Leader of The Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP has announced new portfolio allocations, including the creation of a new portfolio of Dental H...

Greens send nuclear waste dump bill to inquiry

27 February, 2020 - The Greens have referred the legislation to build a nuclear waste dump in South Australia to a Senate Inquiry for scrutiny of the laws and t...

Hanson-Young welcomes Greens portfolio announcement

27 February, 2020 - Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has welcomed the announcement she is continuing as spokesperson for Environment and Water, and Media and C...

Unis need Covid-19 rescue package: Greens

27 February, 2020 - Greens Education Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has called for urgent measures to protect staff, students and the university sector f...

Bandt: We need a Green New Deal to stave off risk of recession

26 February, 2020 - The Government needs to implement a Green New Deal to keep the economy moving and stave off the growing risk of recession, said Leader of th...

Emergency action needed from PM to stop more deaths from violence

26 February, 2020 - The Prime Minister must address the national crisis of women’s death by violence with a $5 billion investment in domestic violence response ...

Coalition, Labor and One Nation let NSW get away with floodplain harvesting

26 February, 2020 - The Liberals, Nationals, Labor and One Nation have refused to support the Greens call for the NSW Government to reinstate the moratorium on ...

Government subverts democracy twice in two sitting weeks to gag transparency on rorts

26 February, 2020 - The Morrison Government is actively subverting democracy by twice in the past two sitting weeks using procedural games to avoid greater tran...

Greens use the Parliament to press for justice for Julian Assange

25 February, 2020 - Greens MPs have used the Federal Parliament to demand justice for Julian Assange, as his extradition hearing begins in London. In the House ...

Net-zero by 2050 not enough, Australia's leading climate scientists say

25 February, 2020 - Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt MP, has commended Australia’s leading climate scientists for their courage in warning that both ...

'Climate Trigger' laws off to Senate Inquiry

24 February, 2020 - Debate commenced in the Senate today on the Greens ‘Climate Trigger’ Bill which would require climate impacts and carbon emissions to be ass...

Greens move to give climate victims the right to sue fossil fuel companies

24 February, 2020 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt has introduced a Bill into the House of Representatives - Liability for Climate Change Damage (Make the Polluters P...

Greens move to cap political donations

24 February, 2020 - The Greens will move to get big money out of politics this week by introducing a bill to cap donations to political parties at  $1000 per ye...