Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Greens introduce bill to stop government holding children in detention

2 March, 2016 - The Australian Greens have today introduced a Private Members Bill into the Senate that would end the government's practice of locking children ...

Government concern for coral bleaching insincere unless Adani mine stopped

1 March, 2016 - With coral bleaching already confirmed in the Great Barrier Reef today and scientific concern for a mass bleaching event soon, the state and fed...

Qld Labor’s inaction on a dump levy stinks

29 February, 2016 - The Queensland Labor Government must urgently re-introduce a waste management levy to stop Queensland being treated as a dumping ground by o...

Defence cash splash obliterates future budget surpluses

26 February, 2016 - Greens Defence and Finance Spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, has released analysis from the Parliamentary Library showing that the n...

Greens continue commitment to fairer schools funding

26 February, 2016 - The Greens have continued their unwavering support for fairer schools funding with the announcement of a $3.5 billion needs-based package to...

Labor and Liberal vote against Greens move to keep Australian born babies safe

25 February, 2016 - A move by the Australian Greens that would have allowed babies who were born in Australia to stay here, rather than be sent to Nauru, has be...

Turnbull tax tinkerer, not reformer: Greens

25 February, 2016 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said reports that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is backing down from tax reform and inste...

Andrew Nikolic: Wrong on most things. Right on one thing. 12 submarines is a “Rudd Pluck”

25 February, 2016 - Greens spokesperson for Defence Senator Peter Whish-Wilson provides the following comments on the reports Australia has locked in the acquis...

Defence White Paper: From a budget emergency to South China Seas emergency?

25 February, 2016 - Greens spokesperson for Defence Peter Whish-Wilson provides the following comments on today’s announcement that Australia is joining and con...

We need more than a Band-Aid approach to help Pacific neighbours with extreme weather

24 February, 2016 - Responding to the devastation Cyclone Winston brought to Fiji, the Greens have called for more humanitarian assistance for Fiji, an overall ...

More money for military hardware despite no change to threat level

24 February, 2016 - Senator Whish-Wilson said, "Reports today about the Defence White Paper suggest that the paper will indicate that the threat level to Austra...

Effects Test a challenge of leadership for Scott Morrison

23 February, 2016 - The ACCC’s submission to the Options Paper on strengthening the law against the misuse of market power has again made it abundantly clear th...

Dutton’s ‘blackmail’, ‘self-harm’ comments a disgrace: Greens

22 February, 2016 - The Immigration Minister's claims that he is being held to ransom and blackmailed by a one-year-old girl are inexcusable, the Australian Gre...

CSIRO climate science saves lives and money

22 February, 2016 - The Climate Council's report today shows CSIRO climate science, which faces cuts presided over by the Liberal Turnbull Government, helps fir...

Senate Supports Independent Inquiry into Tasmanian World Heritage Area Bushfires

22 February, 2016 - The Senate has today supported an independent inquiry into the fires in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. The motion notes the d...