Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Greens support domestic violence services’ call for funding to help women instead of turning them away

16 March, 2016 - The Australian Greens welcome the domestic violence service representatives visiting Parliament House today and support their call for funding ...

Greens call on Shorten to announce increase to draft climate targets at Press Club

14 March, 2016 - The Australian Greens are calling on Bill Shorten to announce science-based climate pollution reduction targets in his National Press Club addr...

Forestry Managed Investment Schemes: $4 Billion more reasons for a Royal Commission

11 March, 2016 - The Senate Economics Committee has today released its report into the collapse of forestry MIS in Australia, detailing the rise and fall of a $...

Greens call for Obama-Trudeau-style audit as fracking climate pollution grows

11 March, 2016 - The Australian Greens are calling for a Australia to follow US President Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau who have agreed to better mo...

Greens call for Senate inquiry on rehabilitation to secure jobs as Peabody crumbles and majors exit

11 March, 2016 - The Australian Greens are calling for a Senate inquiry on mining and resources rehabilitation to secure jobs in affected communities as reports...

Labor pleading for Liberals’ preferences to stay in Parliament: Greens

9 March, 2016 - Greens Federal Member for Melbourne Adam Bandt MP today said Anthony Albanese’s extraordinary statement yesterday was a desperate move by Labor ...

Liberals’ support for climate sceptic motion is anti-science and anti-jobs

9 March, 2016 - The motion adopted by the NSW Liberals calling on the Turnbull Government to arrange public debates on whether climate change is real shows how ...

Government’s rhetoric means nothing to domestic violence victims if they can’t get leave from work to escape

9 March, 2016 - Reports today that the Turnbull Liberal Government is presiding over the slashing of domestic violence leave for public servants put a lie to th...

CommInsure scandal reinforces need for an urgent Royal Commission

8 March, 2016 - The Australian Greens have today reiterated their call for a Royal Commission into the financial services sector and the culture generated withi...

Cash must put money where mouth is for women’s work/life balance

8 March, 2016 - Following Minister for Women Michaelia Cash’s comments on flexibility for women re-entering the workforce during the ‘International Women’s Day ...

Greens welcome Launceston Macquarie House Innovation Hub funding. Three years in the making

5 March, 2016 - Greens Senator Peter Whish-Wilson comments on the Greens delivering $3 million in federal funding to set up the Launceston Macquarie House Innov...

$100 000 gender pay won’t be fixed by hiding it

3 March, 2016 - With a report out today, showing senior female managers earn $100 000 less per year than male counterparts, the Greens are urging the other part...

Government’s lack of exit strategy for Manus Island alarming: Greens

3 March, 2016 - Following comments from the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea relating to the burdensome nature of the Manus Island detention centre and the ne...

Allegations of shonky business more evidence against Adani company

3 March, 2016 - Revelations that an Adani subsidiary's own lawyer is accusing it of fraud is yet another warning that this company should not be trusted with th...

Pressure Mounting On Scott Morrison Over Effects Test

3 March, 2016 - Treasurer Scott Morrison needs to listen to the alliance of peak business bodies representing more than one million businesses who want the prin...