Latest News, Articles & Media

Adam Bandt
Greens Leader & MP for Melbourne

Tax cuts for the rich, austerity for the poor: PM & Labor embark on stupidest possible tax policy during an outbreak

9 July, 2020 - Australian Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, has described the Morrison Government’s ideological determination to cut taxes for high income earners as i...

Tehan childcare rules risks collapse of childcare centres: Bandt

8 July, 2020 - As Melbourne goes back into stage 3 lockdowns, the Federal government is pulling the major childcare supports which played a positive role in the...

Public Housing health response should be led by care, not force

5 July, 2020 - The Greens have today said the Andrews State Government’s unprecedented lockdown of social housing blocks had created appalling outcomes for tena...

Statement on Eden-Monaro

4 July, 2020 - I want to thank our fantastic candidate, Cathy Griff, and the wonderful members and supporters of the NSW Greens, especially in Eden-Monaro, who ...

Greens announce new climate targets as modelling shows higher 2030 targets needed to meet Paris goals

3 July, 2020 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt has released new analysis showing that because pollution has increased so much since the Liberals repealed the carbon pr...

Greens call on Morrison Government to take action over Hong Kong National Security Law

1 July, 2020 - The Australian Greens condemn in the strongest possible terms the Chinese Government’s decision to override Hong Kong’s legislature and pass drac...

Australia must urgently condemn Israel’s annexation plans: Bandt

26 June, 2020 - The Greens call on the Australian Government to add its voice to global calls and forcefully speak out against the Israeli Government’s plans to...

Public ownership of Qantas International should be on the table: Bandt

26 June, 2020 - It is time to talk about bringing Qantas International into public ownership as part of any further assistance package, Leader of the Australian...

Ready for the rest of 2020

26 June, 2020 - Much of this year has felt like being in a washing machine: hard to know which way is up. But more recently, things are starting to come togethe...

Climate wars won't end by surrendering

24 June, 2020 - The Australian Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, has said Labor’s latest offer to embrace carbon capture and storage won’t help tackle the climate emer...

National sick leave vital as COVID containment remains precarious: Bandt

22 June, 2020 - As new infections increase again with many happening at workplaces, the Greens say there is new urgency to give every worker 14 days COVID sick ...

Greens make crucial Eden-Monaro preferences decision

14 June, 2020 - In Eden-Monaro, where in 2019 Greens’ preferences were crucial in determining the final result, the Greens have made a decision about who will a...