Latest News, Articles & Media

Adam Bandt
Greens Leader & MP for Melbourne

Government says a woman’s place is barefoot and pregnant in a renovated kitchen

9 June, 2020 - Responding to the government’s decision to axe JobKeeper early in childcare, end free childcare and ignore the high rates of women losing work in...

Greens will fight looming Labor/Liberal JobKeeper cuts

5 June, 2020 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt has responded to reports the government is considering Labor’s proposal to cut JobKeeper payments for people previously ...

Morrison has no pathway out of recession

3 June, 2020 - Responding to today’s alarming economic figures, Greens Leader Adam Bandt said Scott Morrison has no plan to get the country out of recession and...

Morrison must call out Trump’s moves towards fascism

3 June, 2020 - Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt MP, has today called on Prime Minister Scott Morrison to stop being subservient to Donald Trump and i...

Gov's pathetic emissions figures based off dead livestock and shattered dreams

29 May, 2020 - Today’s pathetic emissions reduction figures confirm the government is set to waste another year in reducing carbon pollution instead of embracin...

Greens to push bill to extend JobKeeper & JobSeeker, invest in recovery

25 May, 2020 - With JobKeeper set for a $60b underspend, the Greens will introduce legislation to the Senate when Parliament resumes in June to extend JobSeeker...

Australian Greens condemn attempts to ratchet up repression in Hong Kong

22 May, 2020 - The Australian Greens condemn the Chinese Government’s plans to enact sweeping new national security laws in Hong Kong, with Leader of the Austra...

Statement from Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt on news that JobKeeper estimates are $60 billion off

22 May, 2020 - "Wow." "Now Scott Morrison has no excuse not to extend JobKeeper to all who need it, retain the new JobSeeker rate, give a Jobs and Income Guaran...

Abbotsford Centrelink closure is savagery and incompetence

20 May, 2020 - Local Greens MP and Leader, Adam Bandt, has slammed Minister Stuart Robert’s decision to close the Abbotsford Centrelink this Friday. “The decisi...

Greens will fight gov gas push based on King Review

19 May, 2020 - With Scott Morrison gunning to use the findings of the King Review to back greenwashing attempts by the fossil fuel industry, the Greens say they...

Greens extend workers compensation to essential workers for COVID-19

13 May, 2020 - The NSW Greens have successfully amended emergency government legislation in NSW parliament to extend workers compensation benefits to cover COVI...

Statement on Nakba

13 May, 2020 - Adam Bandt, Leader of the Australian Greens: "I want to acknowledge that last month people around the world celebrated Yom Ha'atzmaut, the creati...