Latest News, Articles & Media

Dorinda Cox
Senator for Western Australia

First Nations people must be represented on juries and justice system decolonised

27 September, 2023 - Greens First Nations Portfolio Holder Senator Dorinda Cox has welcomed a recommendation for a national inquiry into the chronic underrepres...

Greens demand urgent action to fix mental health crisis in prisons

31 August, 2023 - The Australian Greens are demanding urgent action be taken in Australia’s corrections system to address a mental health crisis and prevent fur...

Greens welcome Referendum on 14 October, support the campaign for Yes

30 August, 2023 - The Greens have warmly welcomed the announcement of the referendum on 14 October and recommitted their support for the campaign for Yes. So...

Full funding needed to end violence against women and children

17 August, 2023 - The Greens welcome the belated release of the First Action Plan and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Action Plan under the National P...

Greens bill shifts burden to companies to ensure Traditional Owners are consulted on underwater cultural heritage

8 August, 2023 - Greens Senator Dorinda Cox is introducing a Private Senator’s Bill that requires standards of consultation with Traditional Owners to be develo...

Greens bill shifts burden to companies to ensure Traditional Owners are consulted on underwater Cultural Heritage

8 August, 2023 - Greens Senator Dorinda Cox is introducing a Private Senator’s Bill that requires standards of consultation with Traditional Owners to be develo...

Robust legislation needed to protect cultural heritage

8 August, 2023 - The Greens say robust legislation is needed to protect First Nations cultural heritage and urged the WA Government to carefully consult and con...

Yes pamphlets endorsed by Australian Greens Party Room

18 July, 2023 - The Australian Greens Party Room are proud to endorse the Yes materials supporting the case for a Voice to Parliament at the referendum later th...

Mining billionaires silence First Nations voices on WA cultural heritage

28 June, 2023 - Western Australia’s new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act comes into effect on July 1. A one-year delay, until July 2024, has been rushed thro...

Voice campaign begins as sovereignty motion passes Senate

19 June, 2023 - The Australian Greens have commended the passage of the Constitution Alteration Bill through the Senate, saying that the passage of the legislat...

Traditional Owners’ call for Santos to clean up their act

13 June, 2023 - An unknown number of disused wells off the West Australian coast have been leaking gas for at least 10 years and are considered impossible to fi...

New Premier must show support for First Nations people

29 May, 2023 - The WA Labor Government is set to appoint a new party leader following the shock retirement of Premier Mark McGowan today. Comments attribut...