Latest News, Articles & Media

Janet Rice
Senator for Victoria

Greens plan would secure long-term funding for domestic violence services for Victoria

26 May, 2016 - Greens plan would secure long-term funding for domestic violence services for Victoria The Australian Greens have announced a plan to provide lon...

Greens back new approach to suicide prevention

24 May, 2016 - Greens back new approach to suicide prevention The Greens have backed calls for the development and introduction of a new approach to suicide pre...

Greens commit to reducing mental health gap for country Victorians

24 May, 2016 - Greens commit to reducing mental health gap for country Victorians The Greens have announced a $280 million plan to bridge the divide between men...

Greens announce $1.4 billion boost for mental health sector

23 May, 2016 - Greens announce $1.4 billion boost for mental health sector The Greens have announced a mental health package that turns the system’s focus to pr...

Greens call for halt to all WestConnex work and funding pending federal audit

19 May, 2016 - Greens call for halt to all WestConnex work and funding pending federal audit With the announcement by the Australian National Audit Office of th...

Greens announce plan to encourage electric vehicle uptake

18 May, 2016 - Greens Leader Richard Di Natale was in Strathfield today to launch the Australian Greens plan to encourage the rollout of electric vehicles, sayi...

Australian Greens launch LGBTIQ policy package on IDAHOBIT

17 May, 2016 - The Australian Greens will commit to $32 million full roll out of the Safe Schools program, removal of religious exemptions to federal anti-discr...

Greens commit to nationwide funding boost for Safe Schools

17 May, 2016 - Greens commit to nationwide funding boost for Safe Schools To mark International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, the Greens hav...

Landmark report shows need to modernise logging industry

13 May, 2016 - Landmark report shows need to modernise logging industry In light of a landmark report by the NSW National Parks Association on the failure of th...

Estimates: was there a peer reviewed business case for the Western Distributor?

11 May, 2016 - Senator RICE: Mr Davies, my questions are about the Western Distributor business case. Infrastructure Australia is assessing the Western Distribu...

Estimates: logging breaches in Murray Valley NP

9 May, 2016 - Senator RICE: I want to continue the discussion we had from last estimates about the ecological thinning trial that is underway in the Millewa Nat...

Estimates: peer review of Western Distributor

9 May, 2016 - Senator RICE: Mr Davies, my questions are about the Western Distributor business case. Infrastructure Australia is assessing the Western Distribut...