Latest News, Articles & Media

Sarah Hanson-Young
Senator for South Australia

Govt claims $10m for Fox Sports is a Covid Response Measure but no extra funding for ABC

6 August, 2020 - The Morrison Government’s $10million for Fox Sports to broadcast women’s and niche sports is part of its Covid Response Package, yet no extra f...

Pandemic Leave desperately needed with a quarter of South Aussie workers having no leave entitlement

6 August, 2020 - Greens Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young has called for South Australia to be included in the Federal Government’s Paid Pandemic L...

Australia Post and Christine Holgate Settlement

4 August, 2020 - Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, chair of the Senate Inquiry into Australia Post and Greens spokesperson for communications, responded to the statem...

Wildlife toll shows environment needs stronger protections

29 July, 2020 - With a revised tally of killed or displaced wildlife from the summer’s bushfires coming in at three times initial estimates, it’s clear now is n...

Greens welcome Liberal Minister’s comments and call on Labor to join the fight.

25 July, 2020 - The Greens have welcomed the intervention from NSW Environment Minister Matt Kean who has broken ranks today with the Federal Government over pl...

PM bells the cat on plans to weaken environmental protections

24 July, 2020 - Greens Spokesperson for the Environment Senator Hanson-Young responded to the PM's comments today on changes environmental laws: “The Prime Mins...

States and territories should tell PM today they won't stand for weakening of environment laws

24 July, 2020 - State and Territory leaders should tell the Prime Minister today they won’t stand for a further weakening of environmental laws to green light m...

Millions more for Murdoch while ABC funding gets cut

22 July, 2020 - The Greens have slammed the Morrison Government‘s decision today to give another $10million of public money to Fox Sports, taking the total amou...

Environment in crisis and stronger laws with a cop on the beat needed, report to government shows

20 July, 2020 - The Prime Minister must drop his plans to green light major developments and new mines at the expense of the environment, after the devastating ...

We need Australian-made films to save local jobs

17 July, 2020 - Today’s $400m tax incentive for bringing international productions to be filmed in Australia must be backed up with government commitment to sup...

Auditor-General’s ‘Watergate’ report shows incompetence and dodgy practices

16 July, 2020 - It’s untenable to leave the National Party in charge of water and a Royal Commission is needed more than ever, after today’s Auditor-General’s r...

Feds' funding for Parks shows jobs in green recovery but much more needed

12 July, 2020 - The announcement by Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley today of funding for tourism and infrastructure at five natural attractions shows th...