Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Morrison Must Wake From Climate Stupor On Bushfires: Faruqi

11 November, 2019 - Greens Senator for NSW, Dr Mehreen Faruqi, has spoken to the tragedy of bushfires in her state and the Prime Minister's shameful silence on ...

“Oil Spill Risk” too big to give oil giant green light in the Great Australian Bight

11 November, 2019 - Big oil copped another blow to their plans to drill in the Great Australian Bight today, with the government agency NOPSEMA, rejecting Norwe...

NSW and Queensland burn as Morrison fails to get climate crisis under control

9 November, 2019 - Greens spokesperson for the climate crisis, Adam Bandt MP, has responded to the bushfires burning across NSW and QLD, saying Scott Morrison b...

Greens refer Liberal election signs to AFP

8 November, 2019 - The Greens have today referred the Victorian Division of the Liberal Party to the AFP over signs used at Victorian polling places during the ...

WA gas industry is a colossal, national climate bomb: Greens

8 November, 2019 - The Australian Government’s push for liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a low-emissions fossil fuel has been exposed with a new report finding no...

South Australians taken for mugs, as Feds and State Govt cut deal to reduce water flowing into Lower Murray

7 November, 2019 - Greens Senator for South Australia and Spokesperson for the Environment and Water, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young responded to the announcement S...

Liberals admit deceiving voters

7 November, 2019 - The Greens have condemned the Liberals for trashing democracy and deceiving voters after the party’s acting Victorian director admitted in co...

Say ‘Nup’ To The Cup Today: Greens Senator

5 November, 2019 - Greens spokesperson for animal welfare, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has called on people and businesses to say ‘nup’ to the Melbourne Cup today. ...

Greens express extreme disappointment over union support for segregated education

5 November, 2019 - Tuesday, 5th November 2019 Australian Greens Senator Jordon Steele-John said he was extremely disappointed at evidence given by the Queenslan...

Animals Suffered in Cup: Greens

5 November, 2019 - Greens animal welfare spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has reacted to the suffering of racehorses in today’s Melbourne cup. Rostropovich...

Joel Fitzgibbon is bullying his way towards climate disaster

4 November, 2019 - Greens Acting Leader, Adam Bandt MP, has responded to Labor Shadow Minister for Resources Joel Fitzgibbon’s attack on Victorian fracking bans...

Morrison should show some climate leadership and offer to host crucial climate summit

1 November, 2019 - Acting Greens leader Adam Bandt MP and Greens spokesperson for Oceans, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, have called on Scott Morrison to show some...

Bandt Slams Morrison Protest Crackdown

1 November, 2019 - Greens Acting Leader, Adam Bandt MP, has responded to Scott Morrison’s speech today to the Queensland Minerals Council, saying that any attem...

Greens Senator Calls for Boycott of Melbourne Cup

31 October, 2019 - Greens Animal Welfare Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has said that she will be saying ‘Nup to the Cup’ and called on others to boycott...

Greens Back Calls for National Animal Cruelty Laws

30 October, 2019 - Greens Animal Welfare Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has backed the RSPCA’s calls for national animal protection laws following a horr...