Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Greens move to regulate coal like asbestos as IMF says carbon price insufficient

11 October, 2019 - As the IMF warns that even a $111 carbon price in Australia will be insufficient to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, Greens’ climate an...

Public-funded private dams prove corporate corruption killing Murray-Darling

8 October, 2019 - Research released today by The Australia Institute showing taxpayers are funding private dams for big business, further proves corporate corru...

Delay of endangered Sea Lion listing could determine its survival

3 October, 2019 - The Federal Environment Minister has again delayed the assessment of flora and fauna species’ threat status in a move that could determine the...

NSW Govt bowing to pressure from Minerals Council shows need for Federal Climate Trigger

2 October, 2019 - The report in Guardian Australia today that the NSW Government is considering laws to stop courts and planners blocking coalmines on climate g...

Proposed Uni Performance Funding Rules Miss the Mark

2 October, 2019 - Australian Greens Senator and Education Spokesperson, Dr Mehreen Faruqi, has responded to the Government’s announcement today that it will wei...

Greens response to A-G’s directive on prosecuting journalists

30 September, 2019 - Greens Spokesperson for Media Senator Sarah Hanson-Young responded to the Federal Attorney-General’s directive to the Commonwealth DPP that...

Qld should stop propping up coal and invest in communities: Greens

30 September, 2019 - Greens Co-Deputy Leader Larissa Waters and Queensland Greens Member for Maiwar Michael Berkman have called on the Queensland Government to ...

SA Govt Murray RC response is a defence of Barnaby Joyce, and sells out the River

27 September, 2019 - The South Australian Government has ignored the most damning elements of the Murray-Darling Basin Royal Commission in its response finally ...

Greens call for five-year 'cooling off' period for post-Ministerial lobbying and cut pollie pension for breaches

27 September, 2019 - The Greens have welcomed the report from the ministerial integrity inquiry that recommends the re-investigation of Christopher Pyne and Jul...

Australian Greens Senators Welcome NSW Abortion Decriminalisation

26 September, 2019 - Greens Senator for NSW, Dr Mehreen Faruqi and Greens Spokesperson for Women, Senator Larissa Waters, have welcomed the decriminalisation of...

Greens call for more support for low income renters following shocking Productivity Commission report

25 September, 2019 - Greens Spokesperson for Housing, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has reacted to a new Productivity Commission report showing that two thirds of low...

We need a new approach to defence policy that focuses on climate change

25 September, 2019 - Australian Greens Peace and Disarmament spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John has reiterated his calls to fundamentally restructure our d...

Greens Slam Resumption of Cruel Live Exports to ‘Furnace-Like’ Conditions in Middle East

24 September, 2019 - Greens Spokesperson for Animal Welfare, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has slammed the resumption of the live export of sheep to the Middle East. ...

Reject Ramsay Centre Cultural Supremacy USyd: Greens

19 September, 2019 - Greens Spokesperson for Education, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has responded to reports of Sydney University soliciting Ramsay Centre funding f...

Education Minister “Completely Out Of Touch” On Climate Strike: Greens

18 September, 2019 - Australian Greens Spokesperson for Education, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has responded to Education Minister Dan Tehan’s criticism of Universi...