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Larissa Waters
Senator for Qld & Greens Leader in the Senate

The environment part of the budget is missing

10 May, 2017 - The Liberals are screwing over the next generation by leaving clean energy and the environment out of the budget, says Senator Larissa Waters, de...

The Greens have a plan to stop Adani from getting a billion dollar handout

10 May, 2017 - In this sitting week of Parliament the Greens will introduce a bill to stop $1 billion in public money going to Adani to prop up their dirty mega...

Westpac’s Adani decision puts Palaszczuk and Turnbull on notice on $1 billion handout

28 April, 2017 - The Australian Greens congratulated the #StopAdani movement and welcomed Westpac’s refusal to help Adani wreck our climate and kill the Great B...

Senate inquiry to investigate mining giants who don’t clean up their own mess

9 February, 2017 - The Senate yesterday supported a Greens motion to establish an inquiry into mining and resources rehabilitation to crack down on multinationa...

North Queensland needs real clean energy, not fake clean coal

3 February, 2017 - The Australian Greens said today that using the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility to bankroll fake “clean coal” power stations in Qu...

Greens stand with Central Queensland farmers struggling to stay on their land

1 February, 2017 - The Australian Greens do not support the resumption of quality farmland whether for mining, coal seam gas or expanded military facilities, in...

Turnbull government is putting the lives of women and children fleeing domestic violence at risk

1 February, 2017 - As parliament prepares to resume next week the Australian Greens are calling on the Turnbull government to commit to life-saving domestic vio...

Greens applaud win against fracking giant Santos and warn against fracking spree

13 January, 2017 - Greens applaud win against fracking giant Santos and warn against fracking spree The Australian Greens applaud the work of community group We...

One Nation are conspiracy-peddling knuckle-draggers

12 January, 2017 - The revelations about the outrageous conspiracy theories held by the One Nation candidate for the Queensland state seat of Mulgrave are shock...

Adani pay just 0.008 percent in tax on multimillion dollar earnings

9 December, 2016 - It beggars belief that the Queensland and federal governments want to give Adani, a company that paid just 0.008 percent in tax on their tota...

More than words needed to end domestic violence

8 December, 2016 - Going into COAG, if the federal government is actually committed to the safety of women and children experiencing domestic violence, they mus...

Turnbull govt will condemn the Reef with billion dollar loan to Adani

3 December, 2016 - The Turnbull government has reportedly given "conditional approval" for a $1 billion loan of public money to build the railway for the Reef-d...