Latest News, Articles & Media

Sarah Hanson-Young
Senator for South Australia

'Climate Trigger' laws introduced to Senate to stop making climate crisis worse

13 February, 2020 - New laws that would require climate impacts and carbon emissions to be assessed before large-scale projects are given environmental approval...

NSW moratorium on floodplain harvesting must be reinstated

12 February, 2020 - The NSW Government is again putting the Murray-Darling river system in jeopardy by lifting the moratorium on floodplain harvesting before wa...

Greens slam cabinet of climate criminals

6 February, 2020 - The Australian Greens have slammed Scott Morrison's cabinet reshuffle, which further cements the climate denialism of this government. Austra...

Koala massacre in Vic must be investigated 

2 February, 2020 - Reports of a mass koala massacre in Victoria by a private logging company require an urgent independent investigation, the Greens say. Greens...

Greens back action to stop oil drilling in Bight

22 January, 2020 - The Greens have backed the community groups taking legal action to challenge the government regulator’s (NOPSEMA) initial approval of Norwegi...

Dodgy water deals done at double the price highlight need for Royal Commission

20 January, 2020 - The Australia Institute analysis released today showing the Federal Government paid exorbitant prices for water rights to a company linked to...

Push for Senate to examine impact of fires on faunal extinction

17 January, 2020 - Chair of the Senate's Environment Committee Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has announced today she will move for the Faunal Extinction Inquiry to...

Water and Environment Ministers must meet urgently to deal with mass fish kills and safe drinking water

16 January, 2020 - Reports today of another mass fish kill in NSW caused by ash and sediment from bushfires running into the Macleay River, is the disaster expe...

Govt’s $50m for wildlife just petty cash for environmental catastrophe

13 January, 2020 - The Federal Government’s announcement of $50million to wildlife affected by the bushfire crisis is nowhere near enough and should be at least...

National Water Pollution Plan needed to protect clean water supply

10 January, 2020 - Australia urgently needs a National Water Pollution Plan with clean water looming as the next crisis as a result of the catastrophic fires ac...

Where is the Environment Minister?

9 January, 2020 - The Federal Environment Minister is missing in action despite reports that more than a billion native animals have been impacted and killed in...

Greens call for ‘Fighting Fund’ for the environment decimated by fires

8 January, 2020 - The Greens have called on the Prime Minister to establish a ‘Fighting Fund’ for the environment to restore and protect the flora and fauna dec...