Latest News, Articles & Media

Sarah Hanson-Young
Senator for South Australia

Greens call on Federal Govt to take urgent action for bushfire-affected wildlife

6 January, 2020 - With an estimated half a billion native animals killed by the devastating bushfires across Australia, the Greens are calling on the Federal Go...

Murray-Darling the real victim of environmental vandalism at Water Ministers meeting

17 December, 2019 - Today’s meeting of the Murray–Darling Basin Ministerial Council has left the River system in crisis, robbed the environment, and has left So...

Libs go nuclear at the beck and call of mining lobbyists

13 December, 2019 - The Greens have condemned the Liberals’ plan to introduce nuclear power at the behest of their big corporate mining donors, in the Coalition...

Government response to Digital Platforms Inquiry misses the mark

12 December, 2019 - After dragging its feet for over half a year, the Morrison Government has finally delivered its response to the Final Report of the ACCC Dig...

National Party unleashes assault on Murray River, environment and South Australia

4 December, 2019 - Barnaby Joyce and the National Party have unleashed an assault on the Murray River, the environment and South Australia, the Greens say.   Se...

Corporate greed real enemy of Murray-Darling

3 December, 2019 - The Morrison Government is making things up as they go along, while the Murray-Darling is in deeper and deeper crisis and communities and the...

Greens back call for PM to drop plans to outlaw environmental and consumer boycotts

3 December, 2019 - The Greens have backed the call by civil society organisations today for the Morrison Government to drop their plans to outlaw environmental ...

Greens response to announcement of review of management of Murray-Darling Basin

3 December, 2019 - Greens Senator for South Australia and Spokesperson for Water and the Environment Senator Sarah Hanson-Young responded to Minister Littleprou...

Karoon Gas pulls out of Great Australian Bight

30 November, 2019 - Greens Senator for South Australia and Spokesperson for the Environment Sarah Hanson-Young has welcomed the news Karoon Gas is relinquishing...

Greens welcome SA’s big battery expansion

19 November, 2019 - Greens Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young today welcomed the announcement SA’s ‘big battery’ would be expanded following investm...

Greens push for local content quotas ahead of Disney+ launch

18 November, 2019 - Ahead of the Disney+ launch in Australia on Tuesday, November 19, the Greens have made a renewed push for local content quotas for streaming...

“Oil Spill Risk” too big to give oil giant green light in the Great Australian Bight

11 November, 2019 - Big oil copped another blow to their plans to drill in the Great Australian Bight today, with the government agency NOPSEMA, rejecting Norwe...