Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

10 Years on, Greens-Labor Agreement a formula for progressive change

21 August, 2020 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt will celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the power sharing Parliament and the agreement between Labor and the Greens...

National tourism plan urgently needed with 172k businesses on brink of bust

20 August, 2020 - 172,000 tourism businesses across Australia are just two weeks away from going bust, the Covid19 Senate Committee has heard today, prompting t...

Environment minister should not put marginal mining project ahead of Tasmanian interests

20 August, 2020 - Tasmanian Greens Senator Peter Whish-Wilson today calls on the federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley not to weaken environmental conditions ...

Law change necessary after low minimum wage decision

19 August, 2020 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt MP has today said the 2019-20 annual wage review increase was too low and that a change to the Fair Work Act was now ...

Youth Job Guarantee needed

18 August, 2020 - Responding to today’s devastating job figures that see youth unemployment at a 23 year high, Greens Leader, Adam Bandt MP, called on the gover...

Vote 1 Greens in the NT Election to protect the Territory from fracking

18 August, 2020 - This Saturday's Northern Territory election has the potential to make history by electing a strong, independent Greens voice to Parliament, Gr...

Centre Alliance must show spine on super

18 August, 2020 - The Greens have today slammed Centre Alliance for reportedly helping the Liberal Party abandon an election promise and delay an increase to wo...

We need a federal inquiry into the Ruby Princess: Greens

15 August, 2020 - The Australian Greens have today called for a federal inquiry into the Ruby Princess, to allow federal biosecurity officials to testify on the...

Labor must stop JobKeeper double games

13 August, 2020 - With the Liberals needing Senate support for their plans to slash JobKeeper payments to low-income earners, the Australian Greens have describ...

Punitive Approach For Struggling Students Will Cause Harm

13 August, 2020 - Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said the federal government’s move to punish students who struggle to find...

Government laziness is impeding the important work of the Disability Royal Commission

12 August, 2020 - Wednesday 12 August The second progress report of the Royal Commission into the Violence, Abuse, Exploitation and Neglect of People with Disab...

Labor shouldn't be warming to a Liberal gas plan that's seriously fracking bad: Greens

12 August, 2020 - The Greens have responded to Labor’s official endorsement (through its Shadow Resources Minister, Joel Fitzgibbon) of the Liberals’ plan to su...

International Youth Day: 2020 is the year to listen to young people

12 August, 2020 - Australian Greens Youth spokesperson, and Australia's youngest Senator, Jordon Steele-John has called for greater engagement with young p...

Major parties reject the need for parliamentary standards

12 August, 2020 - Despite the conduct of politicians having declined year on year and public confidence in democracy bottoming out, both major parties have reje...

Fishing industry sidelined while seismic testing continues unabated

12 August, 2020 - Greens Healthy Oceans spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, today comments on an inquiry hearing in which Tasmanian and Victorian fisherme...