Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Leave science to the scientists: Guy Barnett must release bushfire information

10 September, 2020 - Senator Peter Whish-Wilson has called on Tasmanian Minister for Resources Guy Barnett to not withhold critical information needed for bushf...

Cost of fast-tracking tax cuts could fund $225b of recovery investment instead, new PBO costings reveal

10 September, 2020 - As calls grow for a $220b infrastructure spend to tackle the recession, new costings completed by the Parliamentary Budget Office, at the r...

Time for vote on ICAC bill one year on

9 September, 2020 - The Morrison government still refuses to call the Greens bill to establish a federal corruption watchdog on for a vote, one year after it pa...

What Tasmania tells the world about threatened species

7 September, 2020 - On National Threatened Species Day, Senator Whish-Wilson and Rosalie Woodruff MP highlight proposed EPBC law changes and the implications th...

Greens introduce Bill to fix Disability Royal Commission privacy issue

3 September, 2020 - Australian Greens Disability Rights spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John will today make good on his promise to introduce legislation aim...

Trillions of litres of water missing from Murray-Darling on LNP's watch

3 September, 2020 - Today’s report showing two trillion litres of water is missing from the Murray-Darling Basin shows the Liberal-National Government has misma...

Major parties leave backdoor open for dirty donations

3 September, 2020 - The Greens condemn the major parties for voting to create a backdoor for dirty donors to bypass state donations laws. Greens Leader in the S...

Sensational Gov Backdown Sends Uni Bill To Inquiry

3 September, 2020 - Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that the Liberals have sensationally backed down and sent their uni...

Greens welcome Labor backflip on reprehensible JobKeeper claims, hope Liberals next

3 September, 2020 - The Greens have welcomed Labor’s backflip on its utterly reprehensible claim that JobKeeper payments to low-hours workers were ‘waste’ that ...

Bishops Rorting Poor Students Must Be Held Accountable: Greens

2 September, 2020 - Australian Greens Spokesperson for Education, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has reacted to the Catholic Schools NSW documents leaked to the ABC th...

Tale of two economies – big business profits while main street hit with austerity

2 September, 2020 - The Australian economy is experiencing the best of times and worst of times, as both company profits and share prices soar, while on the oth...

Rental Snapshot Shows Gov Must Invest In Social Housing, Retain JobSeeker Rate

1 September, 2020 - The Greens have said that Anglicare Australia’s latest Rental Affordability Snapshot update, released today, has shown that only a tiny perc...

Greens will campaign to defeat gaslighting of Australia’s Green Bank

1 September, 2020 - Australian Greens Leader Adam Bandt says his party will fight to defeat the government's attempt to amend the Clean Energy Finance Corporati...

Senate Sends Strong Message To Gov On Unis Bill

1 September, 2020 - Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that the Senate has fired a warning shot at the Morrison Government...

New Report Highlights Gov Failures On PFAS

31 August, 2020 - Australian Greens Senator for NSW, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has said that the latest progress report of the parliamentary PFAS Sub-committee, t...