Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Greens reject government JobKeeper/IR blackmail

12 August, 2020 - Following reports that the government cynically intends to link extended JobKeeper support in some businesses to a removal of the industrial r...

Big businesses that receive JobKeeper and pay out dividends should be cut loose and made to repay funds

11 August, 2020 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Senator Peter Whish-Wilson has called for big companies that are paying out dividends from their profits or buyin...

Gov Is Hopelessly Divided On Uni Fee Hikes

11 August, 2020 - Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that the government is hopelessly divided on the Job-ready Graduates ...

Arts and entertainment industry funds won’t flow till restrictions lifted

11 August, 2020 - The Secretary to the Prime Minister has today told the Senate’s Covid Committee that money previously promised to help the arts & entertainmen...

Grattan Report Shows Early Learning Investment Key To Gender Equity

10 August, 2020 - The Greens have welcomed a new report from the Grattan Institute today, Cheaper childcare: A practical plan to boost female workforce particip...

JobKeeper expansion still leaves millions of workers missing out

7 August, 2020 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt says today's announcement that the government will expand JobKeeper suggests lessons have not been learned from the fi...

Morrison & Andrews are failing to protect disabled people

7 August, 2020 - Friday 7th August 2020 Australian Greens Disability Rights and Services spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John said a failure to learn from th...

SA Govt must rule out cut to River Murray water allocation

7 August, 2020 - The Greens are calling on the South Australian Government to guarantee the state won’t lose a single gigalitre of water allocated to it under t...

Pandemic Leave desperately needed with a quarter of South Aussie workers having no leave entitlement

6 August, 2020 - Greens Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young has called for South Australia to be included in the Federal Government’s Paid Pandemic L...

JobKeeper cuts will force up to 83,000 Victorians out of jobs

6 August, 2020 - The Australian Greens have released analysis of ABS data which shows 83,100 workers on JobKeeper in Victoria are casuals in industries now subj...

Statement on Parliament sittings

6 August, 2020 - I am pleased the Parliament will sit again. In a crisis we need more democracy, not less, and the Greens opposed the initial agreement between ...

Govt claims $10m for Fox Sports is a Covid Response Measure but no extra funding for ABC

6 August, 2020 - The Morrison Government’s $10million for Fox Sports to broadcast women’s and niche sports is part of its Covid Response Package, yet no extra f...

Federal Government must lift VIC childcare support & move to free childcare

6 August, 2020 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, says a return to free childcare is needed in Victoria immediately and that the success of the initial COVID-19 child...

Paid pandemic leave desperately needed with 59,000 Tasmanians without leave entitlements

6 August, 2020 - Tasmanian Senator Peter Whish-Wilson has called for Tasmania to be included in the Federal Government's Paid Pandemic Leave scheme, with ABS da...

75th Anniversary of Hiroshima: Australia must sign UN Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

6 August, 2020 - Thursday 6th August 2020 Australian Greens Peace and Nuclear Disarmament spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John has called for Australian to s...