Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Green recovery needed to lock in emissions reductions

31 August, 2020 - Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP has said figures showing an 18% drop in emissions as a result of the coronavirus are doomed to b...

Adani bullies community leader as it loses another court case

28 August, 2020 - The Greens condemn Adani’s attempts to silence Galilee Blockade leader, Ben Pennings, by seeking to  bankrupt his family with legal action and...

Expanded values test is unnecessary

28 August, 2020 - The Government’s attempts to force citizens through an expanded values test is unnecessary, the Greens say, while welcoming the commitment to ...

New environment laws carbon copy of Tony Abbott’s 2014 attack

27 August, 2020 - New environment laws introduced by the Morrison Government today are carbon copy of Tony Abbott’s 2014 attack, the Greens say. Greens Spokespe...

PM must strip Abbott’s pension if reported foreign ties are true

27 August, 2020 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, has said Scott Morrison must strip Tony Abbott of his Prime Ministerial pension, if reports are correct that Abbott...

Orwellian Gov bill defines gas as clean energy, war as peace and freedom as slavery

27 August, 2020 - Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt, has today slammed as Orwellian a new Bill from the Morrison government that redefines ‘low emissi...

Press freedom changes proposed by intelligence committee don’t go far enough to protect journalists

26 August, 2020 - The press freedom changes recommended by the Parliament’s Intelligence Committee do not go far enough to protect journalists, the Greens say. ...

Paid pandemic leave a step in the right direction but needs to go further for all Tasmanians

26 August, 2020 - Tasmanian Greens Senator Peter Whish-Wilson today welcomes the announcement from Prime Minister Scott Morrison that paid pandemic leave will b...

Libs dancing to Latham's toxic uranium tune

26 August, 2020 - The Australian Greens have called on the Berejiklian Government to reject the Mark Latham-led push for uranium mining in NSW. "The Liberals sh...

Uni Bill An Irredeemable Mess

25 August, 2020 - Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that the proposed final version of the Job-Ready Graduates legislatio...

Greens to move to block environment law changes that weaken protections

25 August, 2020 - The Greens will tomorrow move to block the Morrison Government from rushing changes to environment laws through the Senate, with the so-called...

Greens move to stop Government JobKeeper 2.0 wage cut powers

25 August, 2020 - The Greens have described a government bill to extend IR ‘flexibility’ and create a special tier of businesses as corporate welfare at workers...

Morrison Govt should rule out lifting ban on parrot importation

25 August, 2020 - The Greens have called on the Morrison Government to rule out lifting a ban on the importation of exotic parrot species into Australia. Greens...

Greens call on PM to stand down Sukkar

25 August, 2020 - The Greens are calling on the Prime Minister to stand down Assistant Treasurer Michael Sukkar while the Department of Finance investigates the...

Regional Unis And Students Will Still Lose Out

24 August, 2020 - Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has responded to reports that the National Party has secured Government backin...