Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

New CSIRO climate science centre a ‘sleight of hand’

26 April, 2016 - Greens Science spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said the CSIRO management’s announcement of a new climate science centre in Hobart is really ju...

Manus Island illegal; time to close the camp and bring the people to Australia

26 April, 2016 - The Australian Greens have welcomed the PNG Supreme Court's decision, declaring the Manus Island camp to be illegal, and have called on Malc...

Labor must end the tax cuts arms race: Greens

23 April, 2016 - In response to reports today the government will cut company and income taxes in the upcoming Budget, Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt M...

Greens commit to fairer students with disability funding

22 April, 2016 - The Greens have committed to increase resources for students with disability by $4.8 billion over the next four years, as part of a comprehensi...

Cabinet Ministers undermining Paris agreement being signed tonight by questioning climate science

22 April, 2016 - With Cabinet Ministers questioning climate science, the world will have little confidence in Greg Hunt's signature on the Paris climate agreeme...

Australian Greens pledge to implement Paris Agreement

22 April, 2016 - The Australian Greens have joined with over 90 Greens parties around the world in committing to implement the Paris Agreement, reached at the U...

Greens push Labor to keep deficit levy

21 April, 2016 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said the Greens have forced Labor to consider making the deficit levy permanent and called on ...

Domestic violence advertising campaign must come with boost to crisis funding for women who reach out as a result

20 April, 2016 - With the launch today of the advertising campaign to tackle attitudes that allow domestic violence to fester, the Greens are calling for the Tu...

Senate Inquiry report calls on state and federal government(s) to act on scourge of marine plastics

20 April, 2016 - Today the Senate Environment and Communications Committee has released a landmark report into the causes and impacts of marine plastic pollutio...

Near blanket Reef bleaching shows we must quit coal

20 April, 2016 - With the National Coral Bleaching Taskforce finding 93 per cent of the Great Barrier Reef has coral bleaching, the Greens have renewed calls fo...

ASIC announcement an admission of 3 wasted years under the Liberals

20 April, 2016 - Greens spokesperson for Finance, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, says the last minute rush to fix financial regulation is an admission by the Gover...

Order for the Production of Asylum Seekers

20 April, 2016 - Senator HANSON-YOUNG I move: That there be laid on the table by the Minister representing the Prime Minister, no later than 9.30 am on Thursday...

Cautious welcome as government adopts Greens super plan: Bandt

20 April, 2016 - In response to reports the government is set to lower superannuation tax concessions for people earning over $180,000, Greens Treasury spokespe...

Senate demands government’s Wilson documents

19 April, 2016 - The Senate has supported a Greens motion ordering the government to table all contracts that it holds with Wilson Security and any information ...

Labor and Liberal vote against SA jobs and Whyalla Steel

19 April, 2016 - The Labor and Liberal parties combined to defeat a motion* from SA Green Senators Robert Simms and Sarah Hanson-Young in support of the steel i...