Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Minister Hunt’s sneaky attempt to co-opt Sir David’s Reef documentary to downplay impacts is offensive

7 April, 2016 - Environment Minister Hunt's attempt to use Sir David Attenborough's documentary to downplay threats to the Great Barrier Reef, including those i...

Anglo’s Foxleigh mine sale another reason to act on rehab, despite mining lobby’s squeals

6 April, 2016 - Reports that Anglo American is selling the Foxleigh coal mine at Middlemount to Sydney's Taurus Fund Management is more evidence of the need for...

Gov must strip Wilson Security of contracts

5 April, 2016 - Wilson Security should be stripped of their contracts for the offshore detention camps on Manus Island and Nauru after its poor corporate govern...

Greens celebrate record local Council results

4 April, 2016 - With the results of Queensland local council elections being declared, Senator Waters congratulated Queensland Greens members, volunteers and su...

Childcare package to leave hundreds of thousands worse off, needs work: Greens

4 April, 2016 - The government's childcare package will result in hundreds of thousands of families being worse off and will need to be amended, the Australian ...

Shorten must rule out Labor-Liberal preference deal

4 April, 2016 - Greens MP Adam Bandt has called on Bill Shorten to rule out preferencing the Liberals ahead of the Greens at the upcoming election. Mr Bandt sai...

Labor and Liberal Parties’ reef hypocrisy both dangerous and insincere

3 April, 2016 - The Australian Greens condemn Queensland Labor’s reported decision this morning to approve mining leases for the Adani mega coal mine. “Despite ...

Dutton's deception 'deplorable': Greens

3 April, 2016 - The Australian Greens have called on the Immigration Minister Peter Dutton to rule out sending any children currently in Australia back to Nau...

Polling shows Australians want solutions, not refugee cruelty

31 March, 2016 - Polling released today has shown that the majority (58.1%) of South Australian's want to see people seeking asylum, who are in need of protecti...

Turnbull puts education in too-hard basket, with health

31 March, 2016 - The Australian Greens say Prime Minister Turnbull has now put public school funding in the too-hard-basket, along with health "Instead of havin...

Government must explain as tensions rise on Manus Island

30 March, 2016 - The reported tensions within the Manus Island detention camp, resulting from centre meetings where plans for forced segregation and mass deport...

Turnbull must ditch Abbott’s hardline public sector bargaining policy: Greens

30 March, 2016 - Greens Industrial Relations spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today called on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to ditch Tony Abbott’s hardline bargaini...

Income tax proposal a cop out

30 March, 2016 - The Liberals are proving they're not up to the task of tax reform, again dumping their budget problems on state and territory governments, the ...

Turnbull’s new tax plan is terrible for Tasmania

30 March, 2016 - Greens Finance spokesperson and Senator for Tasmania, Peter Whish-Wilson, provides the following comments on the Prime Minister’s latest though...