Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Palaszczuk Government’s support for hundreds more CSG wells in Qld is reckless

16 November, 2015 - QGC's announcement today of an extra 300 to 400 coal seam gas wells near Wandoan puts Queensland's land, water, Great Barrier Reef and clima...

Statement on Adani and its CEO

13 November, 2015 - On 12 and 13 November 2015 my office issued two press releases which the Chief Executive of Adani Mining Australia, Mr Jeyakumar Janakaraj, ...

Greens will fight Government attempt to aid corporate tax avoidance

12 November, 2015 - The Australian Greens say Malcolm Turnbull has exposed his true colours by rejecting an Australian Greens amendment that would have increase...

Discrimination in the community will not end until we stamp out discrimination in the law

12 November, 2015 - Senator Nick McKim spoke in Parliament this morning about the case of a young Tasmanian man who faced a traumatic and discriminatory ordeal ...

Labor In Zombie Lockstep With Government Over Citizenship Laws

12 November, 2015 -     Labor’s decision to roll over and give Immigration Minister Peter Dutton power to remove people’s citizenship is as ...

After Coal - Our Plan for Coal Workers

12 November, 2015 - After Coal - Our Plan for Coal Workers A significant structural shift is underway in our economy. Glo...

Discussion on super lifetime caps welcome: Greens

11 November, 2015 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said the Greens are up for a discussion about tackling unfair tax breaks by putting a cap o...

Greens use government bill to repeal government bill

11 November, 2015 - The Senate has voted to repeal the Turnbull government's so-called "kidnap law," which passed only last month and exempted private companies...

Amendments Don’t Change Major Flaws In Citizenship Legislation

11 November, 2015 - The Government's decision to support amendments to the Australian Citizenship (Allegiance to Australia) Bill does not change the fundamental...

Government must be ambitious with super reform: Greens

10 November, 2015 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today called on the government to be ambitious with its plans to reform the superannuation system...

Labor votes with the Liberals to bring ISDS to Australia via the China Free Trade Agreement

9 November, 2015 - This evening the Greens voted against the enabling legislation for the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA), an agreement that expos...

Christmas Island in meltdown: detention network review required

9 November, 2015 - Following the death of an Iranian refugee on Christmas Island, the Australian Greens have urged the government to explain exactly what is goi...

Treasurer should include carbon tax in Tax White Paper: Greens

9 November, 2015 - Greens treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today called on Treasurer Scott Morrison to include a carbon tax in the government’s Tax White Pap...

Greens members unanimously reject dangerous and undemocratic TPP and ChAFTA deals

8 November, 2015 - Today during the plenary session of the Australian Greens national conference, Greens party members have unanimously passed a resolution oppo...

US Congress committee to look at changing TPP – Greens call on Australian government to clarify

7 November, 2015 - The House ranking Democrat on the powerful Ways and Means Committee, Congressman Sander Levin has begun a process to review the Trans Pacific...