Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Time to make banks act in public interest

15 October, 2015 - In response to Westpac’s interest rate rise, Greens treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said it’s time for banks to act in the public i...

Tax avoidance: Serious Financial Crimes Taskforce has found the tip of the iceberg

14 October, 2015 - Greens treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said the Serious Financial Crimes Taskforce’s recovery of $85 million in unpaid taxes is jus...

Attorney-General George Brandis offers no evidence for draconian laws

14 October, 2015 - Attorney-General George Brandis has been unable to offer any evidence to support his proposed changes to Australia's so called anti-terrorism...

Liberal’s arts attack continues, this time featuring Craig Kelly

14 October, 2015 - Greens arts spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said the Liberal’s art attacks are continuing, this time with Craig Kelly picking a fight with t...

Nick McKim Invites Senator Richard Colbeck On A Wilderness World Heritage Tour

14 October, 2015 - Australian Greens Senator Nick McKim has offered Tourism Minister Richard Colbeck a guided tour of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Ar...

Labor’s Migration Act amendments are no antidote to flawed ChAFTA agreement

13 October, 2015 - The Greens spokesperson for Trade, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, says that Labor’s proposed Migration Act amendments do not provide sufficient ...

Control Orders On Children Will Not Make Us Safer

13 October, 2015 - Australian Greens spokesperson for Legal Affairs Senator Nick McKim says the Turnbull Government’s latest attack on civil rights will do noth...

Crossbenchers and government deny workers voice in big project negotiations

13 October, 2015 - Greens industrial relations spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said he is disappointed that crossbench Senators joined with the Coalition to de...

Government Supports Greens Amendments on Small Business

13 October, 2015 - Australian Greens spokesperson for Small Business and Competition Senator Nick McKim has welcomed the Government’s support for Greens amendme...

Greens welcome Robert Simms as new Senator for South Australia

12 October, 2015 - Robert Simms has been sworn in this morning as the Australian Greens' new Senator for South Australia, replacing Penny Wright who stood down ...

Greens condemn anti-Muslim protesters

9 October, 2015 - The Victorian Greens condemn any extremist groups that will protest against Islam outside any of Victoria’s mosques this weekend as part of a ...

Millions more will be wasted on another secretive refugee trade deal

9 October, 2015 - The Australian Government will be throwing good money after bad if it pursues a refugee deal with the Philippines and it needs to be upfront a...

Media Release: Government must drop undemocratic citizenship laws

8 October, 2015 - Australian Greens spokesperson for legal affairs Senator Nick McKim has called on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to show leadership and dump ...

Minister must act now to allow Nauru rape victim access to safe and legal abortion

7 October, 2015 - The Australian Greens have urged the Prime Minister and his Immigration Minister to act urgently to bring a young refugee woman allegedly rape...

Greens call on Government to refer Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) to Productivity Commission

7 October, 2015 - The Australian Greens spokesperson for Trade, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, has written to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to request that he re...