Latest News, Articles & Media

Dorinda Cox
Senator for Western Australia

UK-AUS Free Trade agreement must advance human rights

20 December, 2021 - The Greens today are calling on the Government to ensure the UK-Australia free trade agreement upholds environmental standards, labour right...

Wishes of First Nations people essential on Voice to Parliament legislation

20 December, 2021 - After two years of consultation with First Nations leaders, the federal Government has released the Final Report on a proposal for an Indige...

The Greens Announce First Nations Legal Defence Fund

1 December, 2021 - When First Nations people fight for Country, against dirty mining companies or corporate landowners with deep pockets, they’re often locked i...

Federal standard essential on First Nations cultural heritage

29 November, 2021 - The Greens have called on the Western Australian Government to delay the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill until the national standard is ag...

Morrison gas plan proves even Net Zero 2050 is a lie

26 November, 2021 - The Greens have slammed the Morrison Government’s 2021 national gas infrastructure plan as exposing its Net Zero 2050 pledge as a short term...

Opening the Scarborough a climate crime: Greens

23 November, 2021 - The Greens have slammed the decision to approve a massive new methane gas project in the weeks following the Glasgow climate pact, calling t...

WA Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill nowhere near the best in the country

17 November, 2021 - Claims by the McGowan Government that the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill is ‘the best in the nation’ is a blatant stretch of the truth wi...

Labor's Beetaloo approval a 'middle finger' to Glasgow

21 October, 2021 - The Northern Territory gas fields hold the equivalent of 70 years worth of Australia’s complete national emissions from all sectors.  Greens ...

Senator Dorinda Cox - First Speech

19 October, 2021 - Woola Mr President Ngany kwel Dorinda Cox, ngany moorditj Noongar Bibbulmen Yamatji yorga wer ngany koora  boodiya yorga moort yey nitj...

Final Juukan Report Shows Continuation of Colonial Violence

18 October, 2021 - The Senate Committee into the Juukan crisis has released their final report. Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe sat on the Inquiry, saying that, “Th...

Greens Announce $767m ‘Caring for Country’ Plan to Prevent Another Juukan

18 October, 2021 - With a Senate Committee into the Juukan Gorge crisis due to conclude today, the Greens have announced a comprehensive $767 million ‘Caring fo...

Bandt announces new parliamentary line-up to kick the Libs out and negotiate shared power

15 September, 2021 - With the confirmation of new Senator for Western Australia Dorinda Cox today, Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, has put the Greens on election foo...