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Janet Rice
Senator for Victoria

Estimates: Domino's pizzas

9 March, 2017 - Senator RICE: The other issue I wanted to raise was the situation with Domino's and the investigation that I understand you were doing. In parti...

Greens to Turnbull: scrap DV legal cuts for International Women’s Day

8 March, 2017 - The Greens have urged the Prime Minister to mark International Women’s Day by scrapping plans to cut $34 million from funding for community lega...

State of Environment ain’t good, Government complicit

7 March, 2017 - The 2017 State of the Environment report shows the federal government is putting the interests of donors and big polluters ahead of the public g...

Estimates: Melbourne Metro funding

6 March, 2017 - Senator RICE: I want to have a final reprise. I know we have covered this during the day, but hopefully it will not take too long. Give us as a ...

Estimates: speed restrictions on Albury Rail

6 March, 2017 - Senator RICE: I want to go to the bigger question. We have the example of the Western Distributor. I will follow on from that but more in a gene...

Estimates: Western Distributor, Inland Rail and Melbourne Metro

6 March, 2017 - Senator RICE: I will begin with Mr Mrdak. I want to follow up some further questions about the Western Distributor. I want to confirm any approa...

Western Distributor independent assessments

6 March, 2017 - Senator RICE: I will continue my questions about the Western Distributor. Trying to get information about the Western Distributor is like playin...

Estimates: Regional Forest Agreement rollovers

3 March, 2017 - Senator RICE: I have some questions about the regional forest agreements, and in particular about the efficacy of the agreements. What measures ...

Victorians crying out for PT funding

1 March, 2017 - With reports the federal and Victorian governments are close to an agreement on infrastructure spending, the Greens say public transport project...

End the secrecy on Western Distributor

28 February, 2017 - With the Victorian government refusing to hand over the independent assessments of the Western Distributor toll road proposal to Infrastruct...

We've paved the way for marriage equality

16 February, 2017 - Being part of the Select Committee on the Exposure Draft of the Marriage Amendment (Same-Sex Marriage) Bill has been satisfying, rewarding a...

Way forward for marriage equality in this Parliament

15 February, 2017 - The Senate has delivered a consensus report on the government’s draft exposure marriage equality Bill, providing a path for marriage equalit...