21 September, 2015 - Newly appointed Tourism and International Education Minister Richard Colbeck will need to embrace Tasmania’s wilderness values to be a succ...
18 September, 2015 - Tasmanian Senator Nick McKim is a passionate advocate for Tasmania’s people, environment and economy.
He was first elected to the Tasmanian...
17 September, 2015 - Senator Nick McKim's contribution to the debate about moves to cut penalty rates. The Greens will always stand up for the rights of low paid workers.
16 September, 2015 - The Nationals’ support for an effects test presents a massive challenge for new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and his government, Austral...
15 September, 2015 - Australian Greens Senator Nick McKim has been allocated the portfolios of Schools; Attorney-General; and Innovation, Small Business and Com...