Latest News, Articles & Media

Sarah Hanson-Young
Senator for South Australia

Greens response to A-G’s directive on prosecuting journalists

30 September, 2019 - Greens Spokesperson for Media Senator Sarah Hanson-Young responded to the Federal Attorney-General’s directive to the Commonwealth DPP that...

SA Govt Murray RC response is a defence of Barnaby Joyce, and sells out the River

27 September, 2019 - The South Australian Government has ignored the most damning elements of the Murray-Darling Basin Royal Commission in its response finally ...

Water and Enviro Ministers put up white flag on Murray-Darling crisis

11 September, 2019 - The Federal Government has put up the white flag on the Murray Darling Basin crisis, the Greens say. “The Coalition has had six years in go...

Greens back call for moratorium on water trading by non-landholders

10 September, 2019 - The Greens have called for an urgent moratorium on water barons and non-water users buying up water while the Murray-Darling Basin remains ...

Greens response to AFP raids

4 September, 2019 - The Greens responded to the AFP raid on the home of an Australian Signals Directorate intelligence officer today:   Greens Spokesperson for ...

Littleproud out of touch on Murray Darling

2 September, 2019 - Federal Water Minister David Littleproud is completely out of touch if he believes his claims on ABC Radio this morning that the only proble...

Code Red for Reef on Morrison’s watch

30 August, 2019 - The Morrison Government will be responsible for the death of the Great Barrier Reef unless it takes urgent action on climate change, the Green...

History repeating: Morrison Govt again trying to hide truth on Great Barrier Reef

29 August, 2019 - The Federal Government must accept the science pointing to the need for drastic emissions reduction to protect the Great Barrier Reef and actu...

“Fish Armageddon” plan weak without water

29 August, 2019 - If the NSW Government was serious about preventing “Fish Armageddon” this summer, it would secure water supply for native fish so they don’t n...

Hanson-Young to tell Equinor today “you’re not welcome in SA”

26 August, 2019 - Greens Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young will tell Norwegian company Equinor, which plans to drill for oil in the Great Australia...

Greens to consider Digital Platforms Inquiry report and consult on recommendations

26 July, 2019 - The Greens will consider the Digital Platforms Inquiry report and its 23 recommendations handed down today from the ACCC.   “Social media and di...

Great Australian Bight protection before the Senate

25 July, 2019 - The Greens will today introduce a Bill to stop drilling in the Great Australian Bight and move for World Heritage Listing following a groundswel...